Sunday, August 9, 2015

Visit on July 30th 2015.

If you probably in Surabaya and don't know what to do,try Surabaya Heritage Track. I've been to House of Sampoerna in 2013, but didn't get chance to try Surabaya Heritage Track (SHT). So i just went visit the museum, which is quite fun also :)

What's in SHT?

SHT is basically a very short tour hosted by House of Sampoerna, which is completely free for everyone. 
SHT has few schedules in a day. Every few hours the bus is departed to some different places depend on what was written on schedule. This short tours only last for one hour. In that one hour, SHT bus takes you to two or three places. Although this tour is short, SHT has its own guide person explaining this and that and everything. Surabaya has its fame for city of heroes, and has so many historical story in it. That's why on the way to some places the guide will story telling about many things, especially about old buildings around. And he explain bilingual, Bahasa Indonesia and followed with English translation. So, worry not!
For some reason and for some people, the guide's English might not so clear because of pronunciation, but you can ask if you missed anything.
You can visit for more info for schedule and reservation.

This was sticked in the board. Since they could changed this anytime,
visit their website for latest schedule.


SHT has its own bus that specially modified so it's more tourist friendly. It's red colored, very easy to recognized everywhere. The bus's window is widen so we can freely sight seeing. Though it's free, bus is very clean, comfy seat and with aircon. Staff will handed a tourist id before the tour started, and you will need to give that id back after the tour finished. Overall i personally think this is comfortable for a short tour.
Lovely boyfie in front of the bus

SHT id

One Hour Tour

So there is a theme in every scheduled places. My theme was Surabaya - The Trading City.
We visited 2 places, Hok Ang Kiong temple and Ex. Escompto Bank.
Hok Ang Kiong temple was the oldest temple that has ever built in Surabaya. This temple formerly use as a warehouse by Chinese businessman. As time goes by, Chinese population increased in Surabaya and they thought they would need a good place to pray. Then it became a temple. This temple is very small but this one is oldest one, so worth to visit.

Hok Ang Kiong temple

Second place was Museum Bank Mandiri, or ex. Escompto Bank. When you entered, this is a simple museum that explain banking in Indonesia at old times. I must say this wouldn't be interesting if we went there without guide. Because the guide man explain many things, like the hierarchy photo of Escompto Bank's leader which is actually always a Dutch person as the boss on top, also 200 JPY in a frame, which arrive at the bank
but no one has come to picked them up until this very day (kinda mysterious money), et cetera.

Old typing machine, one of the museum property

That was an interesting one hour :)


- You need to reserved your seat at least two or three days before your day of visiting. I suggest to never come without reserved, their seats is almost full everyday. The reason i didn't get a chance on 2013 is because i came without reserved anything.

- Come 30 minutes before the bus departed. You will need to take your tickets.

- Don't forget your camera

- There are two seats right beside the driver. If you like too freely sightseeing in front of you, when they opened the bus, go in first :)

Though SHT is not a new thing, hope this help anyone :)

Having fun taking photos around while waited for the bus to be open.
Oops army couple! :D
*not even a couple shirt, but yeah, same pattern, so i'll counted this as couple shirt. Lol

Kadang hidup ini begitu-begitu aja. Kadang seneng-seneng bisa hangout sama pacar atau gosip-gosip sama temen-temen. Kadang sedih-sedih kenapa kita gak bisa seperti orang lain. Kadang juga penuh tekanan dan urgensi yang rasanya bener-bener ingin segera dilewati dan selesai.

Terima kasih pada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, ISHWW, pada 26 Juni 2015 saya berhasil menyelesaikan sidang skripsi dengan nilai yang bagi saya sangat memuaskan. Haha. Juga mengingat pengujinya yang patut bikin kaki lemes sejak denger siapa-siapa pengujinya sekitar 2 mingguan sebelum sidang. Diceritakanlah ada 5 dosen top killer di konsentrasi manajemen keuangan, dan 2 diantaranya di ruangan sidang saya. 

Tidak perlu sih rasanya mengisahkan perjuangan skripsi yang dari pilih topik hingga lolos sidang ini. Saya yakin semua sarjana mengalami sulitnya skripsi masing-masing. Kesulitan satu sama lain mungkin tidak perlu diperbandingkan, karena sungguhan, banyak faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya skripsi A dan skripsi C serta skripsi 3,5 tahun dan skripsi 7 tahun. Terlepas apapun kesulitannya, setelah melaluinya saya sendiri merasa bangga dan salut sama diri sendiri. Ternyata saya mampu melewati semua beban yang berat ini, semua cacian, semua keringat dan semua kesulitan skripsi. Buat teman yang sudah melalui ini, good job! Kalian sangat hebat bisa melalui ini lebih cepat.

Kalau ada istilah "badai pasti berlalu", rasanya tidak semudah itu ya memang. Haha. Ketika mau UAS atau UTS, ya tentu saja badai jenis ini pasti berlalu. Tanggal 1 UTS, kalau sudah lewat ya sudah. Sesulit apapun mata kuliahnya, dan setidakbelajar apapun kita ya UTS itu pasti berlalu (meski hasilnya entah apa, tapi kan sudah lewat).

Lalu apa bedanya badai-badai ujian lain dengan badai sidang skripsi?

Untuk sidang skripsi, harus kita yang pergi mendekati badainya. Jadi badai yang ini tidak akan berlalu sampai kapanpun kalau bukan kita sendiri yang mendekati si badai, yang merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk ke pintu keluar mahasiswa. Disanalah sulitnya memotivasi diri sendiri untuk survive, struggle dan mentally strong untuk berani masuk ke badai. Juga memotivasi untuk segera menyelesaikan skripsi. Penyelesaian dan pemahaman skripsi itu rasanya kayak mempersiapkan diri sebelum masuk ke badai.
If we're not clever enough to prepare ourselves, we'll never brave enough to face the storm.

Semua hasil ini juga tidak terlepas dari dukungan banyak pihak yang sudah saya sebut di Kata Pengantar. I sincerely thank everyone. Everyone. Keluarga, Udik, teman-teman, dosen-dosen, staf, dan semuaanyaaa. Lulus sidang menurut saya adalah sebuah pencapaian yang sangat besar mengingat ohh perjuangannya. 

Officially Sarjana Manajemen :D
Cute accessories, balloon, flowers, chocolate, crown, etc were handmade from my beloved friends 

Here they are~
Support me from start till the end.

No happy moment without selfie .__.v
*Donna's face was no wrong. She expressed herself just like that in every photos taken that day

For one last thing, ketika rasanya lelahh dan pusingg sama skripsi, saya selalu mengingat bahwa semua usaha dan kerja keras pasti akan terbayar. Entah itu kapan dan dalam bentuk seperti apa. Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan usaha kita sia-sia. Prinsip itu jadi ternyata tertuang dalam quotes Kang Gary oppa yang isinya saya tidak pernah lupa: