Well i'm not sure about sleep paralysis yet. I can't be sure just after read some articles on internet.
The points are, we can't move our whole body meanwhile we feel fully awake in our sleep, and it can cause people to halusinate about mistical and scary things.
It happen to me. A long ago before, about few times. But nowadays it's getting so often, once in 2 days. It means if tonight the sleep paralysis doesn't happen, i need to prepare for it in the next night. It feels so damn terrible. It's like you know tonight a ghost will come to you :(
Like i've state before, people tend to halusinate scary things during the sleep paralysis happen. I can't remember what i've halusinate before. The last two that i can remember are:
1. Two scary ladies
2. A scary young man, whistle in my left ear
Both of them are hanging around my body, thus i can't move.
All i know i should do at that time is, i need to read a long pray until they were gone and i can move my body. I can feel my heartbeat again :')
They said lack of sleep or a random sleep time can cause this problem. Yeah this semester is the bussiest one as far, i acknowledge it. I realize my sleep paralysis might happen because i'm too tired and such, but it can't be help. I need to finish every tasks, so do the other students.
Last time i catch a flu so i was having one tablet medicine. And that night give the most comfortable sleep, for the whole week. Because i was having a deep sleep... all i know is, sleep paralysis doesnt happen! :3
I was planning to ate a tablet before sleep on the next night. My boyfriend is the one who turning down the idea. Haha.. well okay, i know that's not even a good idea.
It could happen to everyone. I wish sleep paralysis doesn't bring any bad long term impact....